Empowering Disabled Voices
Get closer to the disabled adults supported by Paul’s Place
Stories from the people supported by Paul’s Place and our staff.
Cerebral Palsy Month
Sean loves travelling overseas. But there were challenges at the airport. To enter and then exit from the aircraft an extra hour is often needed. To read Sean’s story, please click here: Sean’s Story
Hannah loves competing in Boccia tournaments and travels around the UK for competitions. Hannah explains that the built environment isn’t always fully accessible. To read Hannah’s story, please click here: Hannah’s Story
What is Rare Disease Day about?
Rare Disease Day is a global movement on rare diseases. It works towards fairness in social opportunities, healthcare, and access to being diagnosed and therapies for people with rare diseases.
Rare Disease Day is observed every year on 28th February (or 29th in leap years) – the rarest day of the year.
Dean joined Paul’s Place eighteen years ago and is living with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1). To read Dean’s story please click here: Dean’s story

My disability and finding myself
Stories of living with specific disabilities and finding out who you are and what you’re capable of.

Dave “God knows me. He accepts me. He says, don’t worry dave. It’s alright, there is hope.”

Liz “My lookout on life is better than ever. They don’t judge me. It makes me feel at peace with myself.”

Martyn “I had an accident and now I have a brain injury. I went through a hell of a lot. Safety on scooters. I’m frightened people will have an accident.”
Family and Friendship
Do you know the struggles of being a disabled parent? It’s not all about physical ability but overcoming society’s prejudice too.
Learn about how people have found friendship and support at Paul’s Place.

Ben “I couldn’t be more proud to be a dad. I hope it gives other disabled people confidence.”

Paul and Rebecca “you got to have a good sense of humour. Laughter is like medicine.”

Paul “I’ve brought in some photos of my parents throughout the years.”
Listen to a dedicated rovers fan, a wheelchair rugby player and someone overcoming their fear of water and getting in the pool for the first time in 20 years.

Matt “I do wheelchair rugby. I felt like everyone with a disability was outnumbered. Now I’m included. Always smiling.”

Andy “I’ve been a Rovers fan for 40 years. Just being out in the fresh air, gives me a release of all my problems.”

Matt “I broke the fear and got back into the swimming pool. You wouldn’t think I was afraid of it. It was heaven.”

Dave “I’ve played Boccia all over the world.”
Hobbies and Interests
How much do you really know about music? When was the last time you engrossed yourself into a good book?
These stories tell the importance that arts and culture play in our wellbeing.

Paul and Barrington “Music has given me a connection to my past. It keeps me calm.”

Zak “My love of Sci-fi started with Frankenstein. I think to myself – am I a good man?”

Paul “My record collection fills 4 walls from floor to ceiling. My music has given me a personal soundtrack of history.”
As a member of Paul’s Place staff, you are part of something truly special
We interviewed our staff to find out about their experiences with the people we support. Listen to Leanne talk about how it was like supporting Matt on holiday. Hear Bob talk about why he’s been with Paul’s Place for so long, and Andy talks about the various sports we have on offer here.

Bob “During the pandemic, we visited members. You realise how isolated some people are. Paul’s Place is a lifeline and you really do make a difference.”

Leanne “I didn’t think I could make that much difference in someone’s life, but you do and it’s just incredible.”