Our vision is a world that embraces disability and includes everyone, ensuring that all people can live their life to the full.

Our mission is to enhance the lives of physically, cognitive and sensory disabled adults, supporting them to live life to the full.

We do this through projects and activities that:

  • provide social activities that connect people, build friendships, reducing loneliness and isolation
  • encourage people to develop new skills to achieve independence and work opportunities
  • develop opportunities for people to improve their health and wellbeing

These projects include:

Paul’s Place Daily

Paul’s Place Socials

Paul’s Place Short Breaks

Paul’s Place Boccia

Paul’s Place Sports

Volunteer with us

Paul’s Place relies on the commitment of our dedicated team of volunteers who support others to live life to the full. If you are interested in making a difference to disabled adults and have some spare time, then please consider volunteering with us.

“Paul’s Place gives me the time to express myself, and as a disabled person it gives me choice and control.”

“Thanks to Paul’s Place I have become more independent and confident.”

“If it wasn’t for Paul’s Place, I would spend my days staring at four walls.”