Paul’s Place is a charity that enhances life for physically disabled adults.

We do this by providing social activities that connect people, reduce isolation, improve health and wellbeing and give people the opportunity to develop new skills, enjoy new experiences and live life to the full.

Please Contact Paul’s Place to learn how to access our services and to arrange a free visit. 


Fundraising & Events


Matt “I broke the fear and got back into the swimming pool. You wouldn’t think I was afraid of it. It was heaven.”

Paul and Rebecca “you got to have a good sense of humour. Laughter is like medicine.”



  • Paul's Place member, Ben Holbrook, leaning across our Shire Way building plans in the sensory garden.

A Shire Way update

In Yate, the much-loved Shire Way community centre closed in 2022 and has been left untouched ever since. The community centre embeds [...]

Fundraising & Events



What We Do

Paul’s Place Daily

Based in Coalpit Heath in South Gloucestershire, we provide a programme of daily activities throughout the year that support adults with physical, cognitive and sensory impairments.

Paul’s Place Socials

We’re a sociable bunch, and we run a popular evening programme throughout the year. There’s something for everyone; with nights outs including trips to the pub, restaurants, cinema, theatre and bowling to name a few.

Short Breaks

Our short breaks give people the opportunity to enjoy a fully independent short break with the support of fully trained Paul’s Place staff. They also give carers and relatives the chance to relax whilst knowing that their loved one is safe and having fun.

Paul’s Place Boccia

Boccia is a fully accessible sport and at Paul’s Place our Boccia teams are run by disabled people with the support of Paul’s Place staff. We regularly promote the sport locally taking our love of Boccia into schools and colleges.